"Wayne Boatwright" <wayneboatwright_at_gmail.com> wrote in message
> Oh pshaw, on Tue 05 Sep 2006 12:39:27p, Andy meant to say...
>> She's still a pear. She hasn't lost 75 lbs. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!
>> She looks fatter now than she did on the Oprah winfrey show last year.
>> I think she's a fraud. No exercise? It can't be done!!!
>> Sorry, I'm just sick of her BS Jenny Craig commercials.
>> Andy
> I can't speak about Kirsty, but I'm living proof that exercise is not
> essential for weight loss. I've lost 68½ pounds on Weight Watchers
> without
> doing one moment of exercise.
> Wayne
Me too Wayne. But not because I didn't want to. I'm doing water exercise
but it really doesn't help much. I can't do any other kind.
My Word