Party attendance peeve
pfoley wrote:
> "Sharon" > wrote in message
> ...
>> This is slightly off topic, but I've seen you guys discuss manners here
>> before, and I know many of you also entertain, so I want your opinions.
>>In a nutshell: people who expect to drop in at a party or cancel at the last
>> minute drive me NUTS.
> That is very funny; love the part about the lady calling asking if it would
> it be a problem if she cancelled. And she wasn't even calling to cancel, but
> wanted to know if she did, would it be a problem, and you didn't even know
> she was coming.
Not really funny. Rude and arrogant.
Too bad it's not possible to add after RSVP: "If you don't
reply, you d*mned well better not show up."
gloria p