Party attendance peeve
"Dean G." wrote:
> >
> > A good example of chutzpha, nu?
> I would have liked to offer such chairs to the people who brought the
> uninvited guests.
LOL reminds me of a conversation I had with an old friend and his then
girlfriend. He was telling her about the breakfast parties we used to have .
There were three couples and one single guy, Bob AKA Cheap Bob. Bob is the
kind of guy who shows up at a BYOB party with one can of beer and drinks
everyone else's booze all night. My friend was telling her how my wife and I
would bake muffins and biscuits or pancakes or waffles, he and his wife would
bring bacon and eggs and the other couple brought juice and fresh bread.
Knowing Bob and how cheap he is she asked what he would bring. I
answered...... a guest :-)
Some of the guys were out of town for a few years. When they were all back we
were going to get together for a party. I offered my house but someone
suggested a local restaurant with a buffet. I wasn't crazy about buffets
(still not) and suggested a potluck would be a lot more affordable for all and
we could really party. Nope. They wanted the buffet. Sunday morning they call
up and decided to do the potluck at my place instead. Bob shows up with his
new wife, his brother, two sisters and their husbands and ONE can of beer. No
food, no munchies, no drinks other than the one crummy can of beer, and 5 more
people. At that time, there were no grocery, beer or liquor stores open on