Blending Several Barrels
Nicely said. I do exactly that with carboys so it's easier to gauge
when you are there; if using ~50 gallon barrels a 30 gallon plastic
barrel might be a nice intermediate vessel.
JEP62 wrote:
> David D. wrote:
> > Is anyone blending multiple barrels for consistency? What type of
> > vessel are you using? Is there some slick way of blending that doesn't
> > require 500L+ vats? The best I can come up with for a 2 barrel
> > scenario is:
> >
> > Pump 1/2 of barrel 1 into container 1
> > Pump 1/2 of barrel 2 into container 1
> > Pump 1/2 (the rest) of barrel 1 into barrel 2
> > Pump all of container 1 into barrel 1
> >
> > This requires container to have the same or greater volume than the
> > individual barrels, and assumes the barrels are the same size. How
> > would this work for 3 or 4 barrels? Thanks! -David
> How about,
> Pump 1/2 of barrel 1 into container 1.
> Pump 1/2 of barrel 2 into barrel 1.
> Pump container 1 into barrel 2 .
> If three barrels.
> 2/3 barrel 1 into container 1
> 1/3 barrel 2 into container 2
> 1/3 barrel 2 into barrel 1
> 1/3 barrel 3 into barrel 1
> 1/3 barrel 3 into barrel 2
> 1/2 (1/3 barrel) container 1 into barrel 2
> 1/2 (1/3 barrel) container 1 into barrel 3
> container 2 into barrel 3
> Andy