Hank, Hank, Hank relax! For the moment, let's just forget that out of
averice and envie, our country started the Mexican-American War (1848)
and we stole half of Mexico (1/2 = 0.5, half). Such a thing would be
illegal today, unless you were Israel. And let's forget that in election
years, politicians like to set us on each other instead of us noticing
how deeply they have their hands shoved into our pockets. Forget all
that. Let's focus on:
Published: Thursday, Sep 7, 2006
No pickers for pear bounty
LAKEPORT - On acre after acre of Lake County orchards, millions of pears
are rotting on the branch and the ground because there arent enough
farmworkers to pick them.
Its just so sad, said Toni Scully, a pear grower and co-owner of Scully
Packing in Scotts Valley. Its a beautiful crop of pears, and we couldn't
pick it.
Yes, Hank. These folks come in, pick our crops for us (essentially
subsidizing us to keep the cost of food down) and then move on to the
next miserable job on their "to do list". Why? Because Mexican
politicians and elections are bought and sold just like ours, only,
they're even meaner. But don't worry. Since the blood-sucking
multi-national corporations subsidize both parties (The Republicrats
[Republic rats]), we may soon have to get out there and fight these
migrant poor people for their hot, miserable, back-breaking jobs.
McCain vs Hillary? Yuck! If god had meant for us to vote, she would have
given us candidates.
Find a third party, any third party.
- Bill
Coloribus gustibus non disputatum
In article >,
Hank > wrote:
> Last year over 9,000 American citizens died because of illegal aliens.
> Many were butchered by drunken hispanic drivers. The rest were
> murdered. But the President has simply refused to give the Border
> Patrol any significant assistance. Meantime, Bush and his cohorts, the
> cheap labor lobby and the get-the-vote whores pander to the hispanics.
> Is the American public too jaded to fight?
> will
> http://www.fairus.org/ Federated Americans for Immigration Reform
> *"Pedro's" butt!