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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Certo Liquid Pectin

In article >,
"fudge" > wrote:

> Liquid Certo is very expensive here in Eastern Ontario. About $4.00 for
> two pouches containing 170 ml. The label says "Liquid Pectin Made From
> Natural Fruit Peel". The ingredients are Water, Pectin, Lactic Acid,Citric
> Acid, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Benzozte (K00678). Compare this to the
> regular pectin powder at $1.00/box and the liquid stuff seems a bit
> overpriced. Why can't I use powdered pectin instead? The recipe specifically
> calls for liquid pectin. I am tempted to try. I make a Jalapeno Jelly to die
> for. Here is the recipe. Perhaps there is someone out there willing to try
> powdered pectin. I won't try anything but the liquid variety as I only have
> a limited supply of ingredients. I have had a semi inebriated guest eat the
> jelly straight from the jar. Fabulous with crackers and cheese.
> 1/3 cup ground jalapeno peppers (I use red ripe peppers)
> 1 1/2 cups red or green sweet bell peppers
> 6 1/2 cups sugar
> 1 1/2 cups white vinegar.
> 6 oz liquid certo (my wallet coughed)
> Grind peppers. Put all ingredients except Certo in a heavy pot. Boil for 3
> minutes. Add Certo and boil 1 minute. Let stand 5 minutes. Seal in
> sterilized jars.
> F.J.

Find a pepper jelly recipe that uses powdered pectin. Arrange the
pepper ratios (?) any way you want to. Or use other peppers besides the
jalapeņos if you like heat.

You'll see that you're not to swap out powder for liquid at will and
with the same measures. They're formulated differently and you ought
use the type of pectin the recipe calls for. Find another recipe.
There are a zillion of them. BTW, the Certo liquid is more than
$3.50/box here. Your $4 sounds okay to me.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ