In article >,
Jo Anne Slaven > wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Sep 2006 10:42:11 -0400, "fudge" >
> wrote:
> > Liquid Certo is very expensive here in Eastern Ontario.
> For a lot of jams and jellies, I've found that I can cut down the
> amount of liquid Certo by 50%. You might be able to cut it down even
> more - I haven't tried.
> The recipe I currently am using for pepper jelly is "Chardonnay Hot
> Pepper Jelly", in which you replace the vinegar with Chardonnay. It's
> a lot smoother than the regular pepper jelly.
> Jo Anne
That's interesting because liquid pectin is supposed to produce a softer
set than powder. Huh.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ