New St-Emilion Classification 2006
In message om>
"cwdjrxyz" > wrote:
> Michael Pronay wrote:
>> Here it is:
>> Angélus
>> Beauséjour (Duffau-Lagarrosse)
>> Beau-Séjour-Bécot
> Here are 3 wines that have greatly improved over the years - their
> reputation was not always nearly as high as now. From the early 70s, I
> remember Angelus as usually decent and a very good value, but not near
> the top of many people's list. The 2 Beausejour wines were usually not
> at all exciting in the early 70s, and I seem to recall that one was
> demoted for a while many years ago. The Duffau-Lagrrosse seemed to have
> the slightly better reputation of the two in the early 70s. Of course
> back then these 3 wines were so inexpensive that one could afford to
> use them for everyday wines. I remember seeing Angelus used as a picnic
> wine one time.
Beau-Séjour Becot was demoted in the 1985/6 reclassification but
thathad nothing to do with the quality of the wine. Michel Becot had
incorporated the neighbouring vineyard of La Carte never more than GC
- into the larger and higher classified PGCC. Having drunk 1976 La
Carte quite recently I am bound to say I can see why he felt this was
not unreasonable, hwever he did not get the necessary authority and
was punished by demotion until 1996. The ensuing row lingered on for
many years, ended in litigation and delayed the reclassification from
the first proposal in February 1985 to ministerial approval over a
year later. One thing is clear from the new list — those cynics who
said that the reclassification system was a one way ladder have again
been proved wrong, whatever debate there may be about the merits of
some of the individual cases of demotion in the new list.