Funny (Warning! may offend pro-Democrat readers, please abstain)
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Funny (Warning! may offend pro-Democrat readers, please abstain)
In article >, Peter A > wrote:
>In article >,
>> Snuggles wrote:
>> > A traveler wandering on an island inhabited entirely by cannibals comes
>> > upon a butcher shop. This shop specialised in human brains differentiated
>> > according to source. The sign in the shop read:
>> >
>> > Artists' Brains $9/oz
>> > Philosophers' Brains $12/oz
>> > Scientists' Brains $15/oz
>> > Republicans' Brains $19/oz
>> > Democrats' Brains $2,000/oz
>> >
>> > Upon reading the sign, the traveler noted, "My those Democrats' brains must
>> > be popular!" To which the butcher replied, "Are you kidding! Do you have
>> > any idea how many Democrats you have to kill to get a ounce of brains?!"
>> How is it that every time someone comes up with a good Republican joke, some
>> Republican comes along, changes the butt of the joke to a Democrat and thinks
>> he has come up with something new?
>Actually I can believe that this one was thought up originally by a
>Republican because it's at an 8th grade level at best.
It actually dates from decades ago, and it referred to Englishmen.
The punchline then was "Do you know how hard it is to clean one?"
Cheers, Phred.
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