There used to be a website called but it has been
discontinued. Apparently from what I was told, it the web page provider (or
whatever they are called) was threatened by Walmart (or someother entity

nudge nudge) with a lawsuit for using the word 'Walmart' without their
permission. What the upshot was, at the local store level at the 'store
meetings' the person officiating at the meeting (usually store manager or
and ass't) it was said that 'if you have information on any of your
associates posting anything on '' you may let us know
without fear of retribution'. It was generally known when I worked there,
that if it were found out that you posted, you could be "coached for
improvement".....The company encouraged the employees to turn in each other,
contacted local politicos (usually GOP) who would 'play ball' as to the
unions that supported their opponents and if they knew of the union
membership lists (heaven help the WM employee who had a relative who
belonged to a union).....This doesn't surprise me in the least.....I am sure
Walmart is one of the sponsors who signed on to the piece of imagination
that ABC is planning to run Sunday night.
BTW did shut down, but reopened as
They haven't trademarked 'wallyworld' YET.