If You Eat Pork of any kind
In article <6JIgb.15883$gi2.4551@fed1read01>, says...
> "C. James Strutz" > wrote in message
> ...
> >>
> > Yeah, I didn't even get into the issues of feeding antibiotics, steroids,
> > growth hormones, etc. to livestock to bring them to market faster. NOt to
> > mention e-coli, salmonella, trichinosis, listeriosis and other bacterial
> > infections. More good reasons to avoid meat products.
> Do you have any idea how many bacteria exist in the human body? That are
> passed from person to person on a daily basis?
> Bacteria is no reason to avoid a food....simply take precautions and use
> common sense. If you choose not to eat meat, that is your choice...but it is
> no better or worse than anyone else's choice.
> As to steroids and such, careful choosing of suppliers can avoid that.
> kimberly
Not to mention ground dwelling and airborne bacteria that end up on
plants, vegetables and fruits.