Substitution for pancake ring
I'm a canner, so I use the wide mouth lid rings sprayed with Pam for round
eggs for Egg McMuffins.
> wrote in message
> I'd like to make Japanese pancake sandwiches with red bean filling (aka
> dorayaki), one of my most favorite snacks ever! I've got the pancake
> precursor, I've got the filling... How do I make perfectly uniform
> pancake circles?
> I saw ring-shaped egg-poaching/pancake-shaping templates that you put
> in the frying pan, but I wonder if there isn't some other (cheaper)
> alternative to making consistent size circles (and doesn't require me
> to eat 8 cans of tuna fish). How can I masterfully freehand pour the
> exact volume of batter again and again and not buy a needles piece of
> kitchen equipment?
> TIA for your thoughts,
> June