Ping: JillM - tilapia!
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Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
> Leonard Blaisdell > wrote:
> >I battered and deep fried the tilapia. It tasted OK to me. My wife hated
> >it. If I could have sold her on tilapia, we'd eat far more fish and
> >chips than we do.
> It's not anything like cod. Cod is a light, flaky
> whitefish. But it probably makes an interesting
> fish-stick.
I do know what cod tastes like. I've only eaten one tilapia in my life
and am unlikely to taste more. The important part of my family hates it
and I don't argue. But it was cheap and so am I.
Which reminds me, I believe tilapia live in extremely poor water. I know
Lahontan Cutthroat Trout do and although I love trout, Lahontan
Cutthroat tastes poor because of the alkaline water they live in.
They're not even good pickled. They overpower the pickling agent.