Another Reason Why Wal-Mart SUX...
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Another Reason Why Wal-Mart SUX...
In article >,
> In article >,
> Jim Davis > wrote:
> > No matter what anyone has written, and no matter what their political
> > views, IMHO Walmart, weighing all the goods vs all the bads, has been
> > good for America. True, many small places have suffered, true they
> > haven't played by all the 'union rules', but their effect on America's
> > economy and their effect on the economic growth of our nation has been
> > unmatched in our Nation's history. I say three cheers for Walmart!
> Really? How do you know this to be true? Do you have data to support
> your claim? I am not attempting to claim you are wrong, only asking you
> to support your claim with verifiable evidence.
Good point. Particularly when even Walmart suppliers are starting to
back away and say enough is enough. Walmart has managed to cut the
profitability of manufacturers to the bone.
Because of the sheer scale of Walmart, they can dictate whatever they
want. That's bad for America.
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