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T[_1_] T[_1_] is offline
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Default Another Reason Why Wal-Mart SUX...

In article > ,
> "T" > wrote in message
> > Good point. Particularly when even Walmart suppliers are starting to
> > back away and say enough is enough. Walmart has managed to cut the
> > profitability of manufacturers to the bone.
> >
> > Because of the sheer scale of Walmart, they can dictate whatever they
> > want. That's bad for America.

> Not the fault of WalMart. These companies have the ability to say "NO", but
> they don't. A few are finally realizing that Wal Mart is not a good
> customer for them and scale back and become profitable. Greed is the
> motivator. Executives figure the high volume, even at a low price, will
> make them bigger and make them money. It does not always work that way.
> My company has walked away from a couple of major accounts in the past five
> years. One was $2 million, the other was just over $1 million. We are more
> profitable for it. These were major corporations that used tactics like Wal
> Mart. We chose not to participate.

Well, indirectly it is. Had they not pushed the business that now find
themselves trapped wouldn't be in the position they're in.

Snapper is one company that managed to escape the clutches of Walmart.