Another Reason Why Wal-Mart SUX...
JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> This president is a hideous manager, so he does NOT run this country.
> However, he *does* allow people with simple, but evil ideas to worm they way
> into agencies where they have no business having any influence. Religious
> fanatics have no business influencing the FDA.
just vote for me when you see me running for pres
even if I don't win, I can still get a word in
the underlying problem abroad is immorality
according to whos standard? well lets just use our forefathers
thats good enough.
im not getting on a soapbox, not at all... but we came this far based
on good, as you say good management, I also want to ad.. good morality.
immorality leads to a whole snorkel full of social ails
for example... how does the local bar proffit america, it does not.
it makes a bibber out of it's patrons, the bibber drives home but kills
people on the way home (drunk driving)... he... goes home and slaps his
wife around...
he... does NOT go to work the next day cause his head feels like stone.
so the bibber becomes a liability not an asset.
so from a corporate standpoint the local bar (not even considering
wether drunkeness is moral or not.. it's not the point) is a bad
business idea.
Seems to me we should trim the fat, plug up the holes
how often is alcohol involved in violent crimes?
Why should the gov't run their own liqour business... it's stupid
The liquor business is one that shoots itself in the foot.
I like having a beer or wine or shot of something... but I should be
willing to forgo my freedom because this one or that one will not
control they selves
it's a phukin shame too
i beg of you sir.. don't get me started
violent crimes while under the influence, one single homicide costs tax
payers 800,000 to pro-cess
we have freedom of media, yet the porn industry has become the new
tobacco crop in america we are babylon, we are steeped, we buy and sell
children right here in america
Im saying these things because it's not as simple as ONE MAN makingi a
ie bush
if the WHOLE has phuked it up.. then one man cannot fix it.
it is only going to escalate... it will NEVER improve
we have raised the bar we have proved historically that we are not
going to change our hearts and minds
911 did increase church attendance, and while this is not about God but
just good business choices... you have to conceed that the baptist
discourage a man from leaving his wife. this is good. So the church is
an institution that I would personally try to leave on board once I am
you have the church you have the steeple, you open the door... and see
all the people...
and you can't stop people from doing what they want! if you do.. you're
stopping yourself... what's good for you is good for me. or vica versa
church and state? what is that
if someone doesn't like this persons agenda, then they shouuld launch a
campaign to over shadow the agenda.
ah boo hoo! so sorry this one or that one doesn't like the way things
are going.
We all see.. in-justices every day, we all see neptism every day.
One soul can change a world forever. I believe this.
It doesn't matter if the soul is black, white, red, yellow, protestant,
catholic, heathen, reptilian or republican... one soul can make a
However Joe, I can't help but feel, the people who are REALLY running
this country.. most of them do not even live here
I am for the morning after pill
I am more for absitenance
I am for cutting lose all the branches that do not produce fruit, or
whos fruit is bad.