Sheldon wrote:
> Blair Pinhead. Houghton wrote:
>> Jim Davis wrote:
>> >No matter what anyone has written, and no matter what their political
>> >views, IMHO Walmart, weighing all the goods vs all the bads, has been
>> >good for America.
>> Well, you can't do the math.
>> Crappier and crappier products being offered
> Bullshit... you mean the model 100A Sony TV at Walmart is different
> from the model 100A Sony TV at say Macy's? Walmart sells the same
> brand names as all the other stores... I'm sure the Gilette blades and
> Colgate toothpaste I buy from Walmart are identical to those sold at
> the chain stupidmarkets and all other stores, but why should I pay 20%
> more?!?!? The same is true of most everything else Walmart sells, all
> national brand name suff, the exact same quality as sold everywhere
> else, but Walmart sells for less, sometimes only a few pennies less but
> less nevertheless. Sure Walmart sells crappola products too, but so
> does every other retailer... um, don't buy those and quit yer
> bitchin'... so why does your LOW IQ dumb ass buy those $6 Pakistani tee
> shirts and then bitch how they suck... wouldn't matter what store you
> bought those schmatahs from and they're sold all over, you moron! Even
> shops like Bergdoff Goodman and Nieman Marcus sell crap products, and
> at very expensive prices.... wake up, dumb cluck. Hey, you can buy a
> garbage PC desk at Walmart, exactly the same particle board garbage as
> they sell at Staples, Awfuss Max, etal.... but Walsmart sells that
> garbage for less. If garbage is what you're after, why not... but if
> you want to pay more for it by shopping other than Walmart than not
> only are you dumb, you're also retarded.
> Sheldon
Walmart consistently has their manufacturers make similar, but cheaper models
of well known products. They play on peoples need for cheap price (like you)
and their blind faith in retail. Sure, Walmart sells a Sony tv and sure, the
picture on the box certainly looks the same and maybe you don't notice that
its a model 100Ai instead of just the model 100A.
Snapper mowers finally said 'no' to them
Sure, the toothpaste might be the same and it might be a bargain to you and
that's fine, but for any number of reasons I wouldn't shop there.
Plus, I don't know what your Walmarts are like but the ones here are filthy,
messy, poorly staffed and if you actually can find someone to ask for help
they are underinformed and surly.
I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.