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Old Mother Ashby Old Mother Ashby is offline
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Posts: 731
Default A super birthday gift! (Coffee maker)

Puester wrote:
> In the haze of returning from vacation, jet lag, an 8 hour time
> difference, and probably old-timer's disease, I have forgotten to pay
> tribute here to the wonderful birthday gift we received from our
> daughter and son-in-law. N's birthday and mine are 10 days apart.
> (He's the elder.)
> When we arrived home I noticed on the counter an all-automatic
> espresso maker, a Gaggia Syncronicity Compact, set up on the counter
> and ready to go.
> This is perfect for us, who would not use an espresso maker if we had
> to grind, measure, and tamp each shot. This machine does it all and
> empties the grounds into a hopper after each shot. The coffee is
> delicious, especially when tempered with steamed foamy milk or
> half-and-half.
> Having been to Starbucks fewer than 5 times, it is so nice to be able
> to drink espressos, capucchinos, lattes, Americanos, etc. without
> leaving the house. And they don't taste burnt like *$$ does. We're
> using Lavazza beans and I've investigated the guy in the corner
> Italian deli who roasts beans to order for future purchases.
> We've now entered the foofy coffee age!
> gloria p

You lucky thing! You'll never look back. :-D
