Puester wrote:
> In the haze of returning from vacation, jet lag, an 8 hour time
> difference, and probably old-timer's disease, I have forgotten to pay
> tribute here to the wonderful birthday gift we received from our
> daughter and son-in-law. N's birthday and mine are 10 days apart.
> (He's the elder.)
> When we arrived home I noticed on the counter an all-automatic
> espresso maker, a Gaggia Syncronicity Compact, set up on the counter
> and ready to go.
> This is perfect for us, who would not use an espresso maker if we had
> to grind, measure, and tamp each shot. This machine does it all and
> empties the grounds into a hopper after each shot. The coffee is
> delicious, especially when tempered with steamed foamy milk or
> half-and-half.
> Having been to Starbucks fewer than 5 times, it is so nice to be able
> to drink espressos, capucchinos, lattes, Americanos, etc. without
> leaving the house. And they don't taste burnt like *$$ does. We're using
> Lavazza beans and I've investigated the guy in the corner Italian deli
> who roasts beans to order for future purchases.
> We've now entered the foofy coffee age!
> gloria p
BE AFRAID - be very afraid.
You have taken the first step on a very slippery slope.
Next thing you know you will start to hang out on alt.coffee. Then you will
find your vocabulary getting strange to the point that friends 'won't get
it' when you talk about coffee. The Gaggia (a super gift - no doubt about
that) will start to look like a Toyoto instead of a BMW.
There is no known cure.
Enjoy it.
Volunteer your idle computer time for cancer research
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