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The Bubbo The Bubbo is offline
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Default Another Reason Why Wal-Mart SUX...

Sheldon wrote:
> The Bubbo wrote:
>> Walmart consistently has their manufacturers make similar, but cheaper

>> of well known products. They play on peoples need for cheap price (like

>> and their blind faith in retail. Sure, Walmart sells a Sony tv and sure,

>> picture on the box certainly looks the same and maybe you don't notice that
>> its a model 100Ai instead of just the model 100A.

> Puh-lezzze... the name brand products are all exactly the same... if
> you think Colgate stuffs inferior toothpaste into a tube or Sony goes
> out of it's way to screw folks by sneaking in slightly inferior
> products special for Walmart then you are severely delusional.... I
> already know you're ignorant, pulezze lets not demonstrate your
> retardedness.

I may be retarded, that's pretty established but it has also been established
time and again that walmart wants to sell products at an excessively cheap
price and in order for the manufacturers to do that they must make them
cheaper. And you snipped out the link. Did you read it? Could you read it?

Or is this like the issue regarding the life insurance policies that walmart
takes out on its employees without their knowledge? You didn't even respond to
the citations posted, the ones you asked for.

> And I don't buy everything at Walmart, same as I don't buy everything
> at any one store... I'm not going to Walmart for shoes, I don't wear
> plastic shoes. But if I needed some small kitchen appliance you can
> bet your bippy Walmart is one of the first stores I will check

Hey, i don't begrudge people their walmart experiences. You want to shop
there, it appeals to you, that's great. I'm lucky, I have options, I have not
been in a walmart in years and will not go back regardless of their prices.

also, do i have a bippy? Where is it?

>> Plus, I don't know what your Walmarts are like but the ones here are

>> messy, poorly staffed and if you actually can find someone to ask for help
>> they are underinformed and surly.

> The Walmarts where I live in NY's Capitol District are super clean
> (even the rest rooms), the staff is pleasant and helpful... you must
> live in the South.
> For the genre of store Walmart is it's as good as they come... Walmart
> doesn't pretend to be Lord & Taylor, or Saks 5th Avenue, or even
> Fortunoff.
> Sheldon

I thought I was driving by Gettysburg once but it ends up I was just driving
by your mom's house.