A super birthday gift! (Coffee maker)
guido wrote:
> That's a really good machine, but i still prefer my manual BabyGaggia,
> On the other side, I'm with you when you say a manual one can be messy....
> You can avoid a lot of trouble with ESE (easy serving espresso) coffee
> pods.
> Lavazza, Danesi, Illy, Splendid, Palombini are some really good brand of
> italian coffee, and they also make pods.
> Pods are more expensive, but usually the manual machine costs much less.
> For my girlfriend in socal, i got a Gaggia Carezza for $110 on eBay, and for
> one or two espresso everyday using pods, is the best choice.
> Hope this help who wants to try an espresso machine.
> Guido
*Pods?* PODS? An Italian who uses pods? I feel quite faint, I need a
coffee, probably a ristretto after a shock like that...