Ceramic (glass) cooktops--Which pots can be used?
In article >,
(Lew) wrote:
> We are considering installing a GE electric ceramic cooktop range, but
> some of the useage instructions have us worried. Our favorite pots are
> enameled cast iron European pots (Creuset) that work very well on our
> old electric coil elements stove. We also have some cast iron pots
> that are not enameled on the bottom but are reasonable smooth.
> The instructions say not to use either of these. The ones without
> enamel bottoms could scratch, and even the enameled ones could heat up
> too much and trip the heat-control mechanism in the cooktop.
> Does anyone have experience with this situation, or advice on whether
> these pots can be used safely?
> I'd hate to have to buy all new pots!
> TIA.
> Lew
I use all the same pots on mine that I did before... Cast iron is the
one I use the most, and I've not had any problems. I just make sure that
the pot fits the burner. ;-)
And I don't slide my pans.....
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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