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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
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Posts: 1,096
Default Tahoe Tea blasphemy - you'll love this!

Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> Enjoy:
> ............................."What many people don't realize, Clay contends,
> is that the packaged tea people think they are drinking is actually herbal
> infusions. Straight tea is from the tea leaf and becomes different types of
> tea depending on how long it is brewed.
> "All teas start off as green tea, unless you pick it earlier, than it is
> white," Pacheco teaches. "You brew it and cook it and it becomes oolong tea.
> You brew it a little more and it becomes pu-erh tea. If you ferment a
> pu-reh, it becomes a black tea. When you ferment it, it looses some
> caffeine. The pu-erh is the strongest tea."
> Pacheco also offers the best way to drink their fine teas:
> "I think the best way is over ice. You get more flavor when it's cold - the
> flavor comes out."
> ............................................

Wow. Just wow. I think I am now dumber for having read that.

Just last weekend I was standing in a line and had to listen to some
moron explaining to everyone around him how Microsoft Windows beat
Apple because they were open source and how Apple lost out by being
closed source for over a half an hour. It took all my inner-geek
strength from getting involved in the conversation and showing the guy
to be a complete tool. (sorry to those who don't understand geek)

Also, I think I had posted on here about how while on vacation last
month I went to a tes shoppe and they claimed their teas were the
"finest in the world" including their sencha which was "fresh picked
and imported"... boy was I surprised when the woman placed a teabag of
fannings/dust into 200+ degree water and warned me not to touch it for
5-10 minutes so it can brew and cool down. Ugh.

Amazing. *shakes head*

- Dominic