Kirsty Ally is getting FATTER!
"Blair P. Houghton" wrote:
> >the tracking program at our Y used to credit me for about 396 calories for
> >swimming 1 mile (30 minutes) I got almost as much credit for walking the same
> >amount of time.
> If you're swimming at a competitive pace, maybe it's worth
> 1200 cal/hr. Average folks slapping the pool for a few
> laps is closer to walking.
Right. The program considers the effort. I swim at a fair clip and count it has
hard, but there are several effort levels above that.
> >Horseback riding was good for 906.
> Only if they were crediting the horse!
:-) No. That is for the rider. This is equestrian jumping. It is a lot of work
for the rider. It looks easy when it is done right, but it is a lot of physical
work for the rider.
> To get that 1000 calories, you have to go 20 mph for the
> whole hour. I think the Y does some grade inflation to
> make people feel better, because very few people I pass
> on my bike are going anywhere near 20 mph.
It is also adjusted for weight. Obviously a person who weights 200 lb exerts a lot
more effort to at a given speed than someone who weights only 100. I usually
maintain 12-15 mph.