wait staff rudeness
On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 05:24:43 GMT, Dog3
> wrote:
> It's called a check back in some houses. After the main course is served,
> waiters ordinarily check back within a few minutes to see if all is well.
> If the wait staff did not check back, and you sat there with something you
> did not order or something not cooked to your satisfaction, would you not
> be just as irritated if the waiter did not check back if you could not
> catch his/her eye? It is standard procedure.
Here is where we split hairs. If someone gets the wrong
order, I think they should say so when it's put in front of
them... WHY WAIT (???) until a waiter comes around to ask if
everything is "okay"?
> Now, what bothers me in some upscale restaurants here is the suffocation of
> perfect service. A few months ago I went to an acclaimed restaurant in St.
> Louis which my family has frequented for years. I swear, if I even look
> like I'm pulling out a cigarette a waiter shows up with a lighter to light
> it.
That would suit me just fine... except no one I know smokes.
If fact, if I look like I'm going to sneeze - if they gave
me a tissue, they get a BIG tip.
> > Perhaps management gave them too many tables to be
> > responsible for and not enough back up staff to keep the
> > customers, like me, happy.
> It is impossible to please every diner, all of the time. I am a firm
> believer that when dining out, I can make it pleasant and enjoyable. If
> the service is miserable, I complain to management and save on the 20-25%
> tip I ordinarily leave.
I don't complain about less than stellar service (unless
it's absolutely abysmal), but my tip is only 15%... not the
usual 20% for normal service or 25% for excellent service.
I'm not rich enough to leave tips larger than the bill to
wait staff that make a good impression on me.