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Default A One Thousand Dollars Omelet?

>Margaret Suran
>PENMART01 wrote:
>> <verbose pontificating claptrap snipped>
>>>I'm not even a NYer and even I'm too smart for that shit.

>> You couldn't possibly be a Noo Yawker... because if you believe that

>> story I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn... no real chef would serve

>> with caviar (let alone many ounces of caviar), anymore than they'd serve
>> lobster with anchovies... or with roquefort... or on a bun with mustard and
>> sauerkraut. And you don't even want to ask me what your sig. (A) stands


>It is being served (nobody has ordered one as of now), at the Parker
>Meridian Hotel.

I can't imagine why not.

>The recipe calls for six eggs, one lobster, 10 ounces
>of caviar, cream and seasonings.
>It was shown at some of the morning shows. It sounds disgusting, but
>that is just my opinion.

It is disgusting, a waste of lobster and caviar, not to mention a waste of eggs
too. And I really love caviar, but it'd be a total waste served with lobster,
the two just go together... the lobster would really be wasted, with all that
fishy saltyness from the caviar you'd not even taste the lobster.

Caviar goes well with eggs, but hard cooked, not fried. Caviar goes well with
deviled eggs, egg salad too

Btw, if you like lox then you should try salmon roe caviar, excellent... but
not with lobster, not with any shellfish. In fact I can't think of any seafood
that wouldn't clash with caviar.

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