Thread: mascarpone
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dtwright37 dtwright37 is offline
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Default mascarpone

Jude wrote:
> I have half a tub of mascarpone left over from dinner last night.
> What to do with the rest of the mascarpone?

Here's a great way to use mascarpone if you have an ice cream maker.
The basic recipe I use is:

1 1/4 cups non-fat milk
2/3 cup sugar
8 oz. mascarpone
whatever flavorings you want

Heat the milk and sugar to dissolve the sugar, cool, whisk in the
mascarpone, and mix in the ice cream maker.

So far, I've made vanilla (split a vanilla bean, scrape out the
goodies, add both the goodies and the pod along with the milk and
sugar); cinnamon (to go over apples sauteed in butter); and chocolate
(a heaping tsp of cocoa and about 1/3 vanilla bean into the milk, plus
smashed chocolate chips and toasted almond slivers before the mix goes
into the machine.) All were very tasty. This week I'll try using some
berry preserves.

If your "half a tub" means about 4 ozs., you can easily ramp this up
to fit 12 ozs. There would be plenty of room for this in my ice cream
