A One Thousand Dollars Omelet?
PENMART01 wrote:
>>Margaret Suran
>>PENMART01 wrote:
>>><verbose pontificating claptrap snipped>
>>>>I'm not even a NYer and even I'm too smart for that shit.
>>>You couldn't possibly be a Noo Yawker... because if you believe that
>>>story I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn... no real chef would serve
>>>with caviar (let alone many ounces of caviar), anymore than they'd serve
>>>lobster with anchovies... or with roquefort... or on a bun with mustard and
>>>sauerkraut. And you don't even want to ask me what your sig. (A) stands
>>It is being served (nobody has ordered one as of now), at the Parker
>>Meridian Hotel.
> I can't imagine why not.
>>The recipe calls for six eggs, one lobster, 10 ounces
>>of caviar, cream and seasonings.
>>It was shown at some of the morning shows. It sounds disgusting, but
>>that is just my opinion.
> It is disgusting, a waste of lobster and caviar, not to mention a waste of eggs
> too. And I really love caviar, but it'd be a total waste served with lobster,
> the two just go together... the lobster would really be wasted, with all that
> fishy saltyness from the caviar you'd not even taste the lobster.
> Caviar goes well with eggs, but hard cooked, not fried. Caviar goes well with
> deviled eggs, egg salad too
> Btw, if you like lox then you should try salmon roe caviar, excellent... but
> not with lobster, not with any shellfish. In fact I can't think of any seafood
> that wouldn't clash with caviar.
What makes you think they intend to sell any of them? This was just a
publicity stunt -- they got a lot of free advertising vailed as a news
story. If someone is stupid enough to order one, then so much the
better; but that was probably never the point.
Best regards,