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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default How long to cook greens

Bob Terwilliger wrote:

So what if I don't get MAXIMUM
> nutrition? I'm sure getting GOOD nutrition. I think that's what your second
> paragraph is saying, right?

Yes. Some exaggeration will illustrate. Let's say someone invents the
perfect food that delivers perfect nutrition, except the finished meal
tastes like mulched grass on cardboard with an Ivory soap sauce.
Everyone hates it. They eat one bite, gag, and throw the rest away.
Then they go back to eating fried Twinkies. No matter how nutritious
that grass was, the diner hasn't gotten any nutrition from it.

Has the macrobiotic diet really been shown to put cancer in remission?
I know there have been a number of studies pointing in that general
direction and some amazing anecdotal evidence, but I'd never heard about
scientific proof, or even a statistical likelihood that a macrobiotic
diet improves one's chances. I've known too many cancer patients who
put full faith in the macrobiotic diet and died anyway.

I do know of population studies giving credence to the macrobiotic diet.
One is the well-touted idea that populations that get a diet
relatively low in fat (lower in fat than the typical North American
diet) have lower incidences of breast and colon cancer. Another is the
one showing that people who gets lots of vegetables high in
beta-carotene (orange fruits and vegetables such as canteloupe and sweet
potatoes) have lower incidences of cancer, and the last is the one
showing that vegetables in the cabbage family actually reversed the
growth of tumors in laboratory animals. The macrobiotic diet tends to
be low fat, big on cabbage and squash.

As for juicing, it isn't a bad way to go providing one likes vegetable
juices. If, for some reason, cooking vegetables isn't an option, a
juiced carrot will have more accessible nutrients than a cooked one for
the reasons we both mentioned.
