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Bob Terwilliger[_1_] Bob Terwilliger[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 11,044
Default How long to cook greens

After being refuted, Sheldon said "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!"

>> Cooked vegetables and fruits, grains, and beans provide more nutrients
>> and are more easily digested than raw ones.

>> Cooked plants are far more nourishing than raw plants, whether we look at
>> vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, or pulses (beans). Cooking not only
>> breaks the cell wall, liberating minerals to our bodies, it actually
>> enhances and activates many vitamins.

>> So Sheldon was wrong. Inasmuch as he was just spewing a geyser of shit
>> from the dungheap of misbegotten notions that formed in his head during
>> senescence, that's not really surprising.

> Nothing, asbsolutely NOTHING you wrote is factual.

Likewise, I'm "asbsolutely" sure.

Face it, in your dotage you're incapable of telling fact from fiction.
You're incapable of distinguishing between the voices in your head and the
voices on your television. You're incapable of thought, you're incapable of
reason, you're incapable of accurate recollection, and you're incapable of
learning. So just shut the **** up; nobody wants your ignorant rantings.
