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Default Supermarket clerks & gas station prices

A mukluk wearing troll > wrote in message >. ..
> On 18 May 2004 06:22:08 GMT, (Nancree) wrote:
> >>Same in New Jersey, and the gas is cheaper than PA to boot. We pay around
> >>ten cents more a gallon and have to pump it.
> >>-Ginny

> >------------------------------
> >I paid $2.60 at a San Diego Costco last week--elsewhere in SanDiego it was
> >worse.

> I live in Toronto. Bicycles are used as transportation by a lot of
> people who live in the downtown and inner suburbs. I am both a car
> driver and a hard-core cyclist. I can pack eighty pounds of stuff on
> the bike, in the bike bags and on the rear carrier, no problem.
> I'm doing up some T-shirts with a friend of mine that will say on the
> back, in big letters, readable at 30 feet:
> 0¢/litre

Here in Honduras, gas has been over two dollars a gallon for several
years. Right now it is at $3.11 cents a gallon (and minimum monthly
wage for Hondurans is 2,200 Lempira or $122). I walk everywhere in
the downtown area where I live. I may take a 75 cent cab ride home if
it is pouring rain or I havea lot of groceries. I ride the schoolbus
into work with the kids in the morning and take it home in the
evening. We don't move our car except to go to the lake. If I need to
go shopping in San Pedro Sula or Tegucigalpa, I take the bus into the
city $10 round trip - much less than I would spend on gas and parking
