Thread: mascarpone
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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default mascarpone

"Jude" > wrote in message
>I have half a tub of mascarpone left over from dinner last night.
> (Delicious: lentils with spinach, mascarpone, and goat cheese. Served
> it with barley pilaf and parmesan-coated baked psoudo-fried eggplant
> slices.)
> What to do with the rest of the mascarpone? If I had ladyfingers I'd
> make tiramisu, but none in the house. What would you do with it? I've
> never bought it before.

It's good with fruits if you add a little bit of vanilla and sugar. You can also save
it until you get ladyfingers When strawberries are in season I put the mascarpone
in a pastry tube and "stuff" strawberries with it. Sometimes I add a drop of almond
extract too. Or, you can mix it with powdered sugar and vanilla and sandwich it
between cookies. My SIL made these for a baby shower with tiny chocolate chip cookies
and chocolate cookies.
I also make a really good polenta dish with mascarpone. You cook the polenta with
chicken stock, then when it thickens, pour it into a casserole dish and top with
spoonfuls of mascarpone and pesto, side by side, and bake 20 minutes. It's sooooo
yummy and comforting and good. And did I mention I really like this decadent dish??
