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OmManiPadmeOmelet[_5_] OmManiPadmeOmelet[_5_] is offline
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Default Another leeky question

In article 9>,
Wayne Boatwright <> wrote:

> Oh pshaw, on Sat 16 Sep 2006 08:12:37a, Melba's Jammin' meant to say...
> > How do they go with pork roast? Any special recs? Pig guy was at the
> > St. Paul farmers market this morning and I did him proud.
> >
> > What about braising them (the leeks, not the pig guy) or something like
> > that? Mostly I'm interested in opinions about their compatibility with
> > pork roast.
> >
> > Thanks.

> It would be good with pork. (Think oniony, always good with pork.) Braising
> is a good method for leeks. I have braised them along with celery in chicken
> stock and served as a side dish.

Hey thanks for that! :-)

Sunday dinner is going to be New York strip steak and stuffed mushrooms,
both grilled. I have a Musgovian Leek in the 'frige that needs using and
I was trying to come up with a second side dish.

And I fully agree. Leek should go very well with pork. I've braised pork
roast in the past with lots of garlic and fresh herbs as well as regular
onions. Leeks would be delightful with it.

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-- Jack Nicholson