Channelling Barb
Litttle Malice > wrote in message
> We went to a family gathering over the weekend,
> a nice pot luck spread with lots of yummies like
> devilled eggs, potato salad, meat and cheese, and
> croissants. Our hostess also served dish of pickled
> beets. After lunch, as we were putting the leftovers
> away, she asked me if I liked them. "No", I replied,
> "I don't eat dirt chunks". She seemed puzzled, I
> don't think she got the connection. I noticed that
> no one else ate them either...
Infidel! Unbeliever! You will never understand the shear Nirvana
beets bestow upon those accustomed to their goodness.
Pickled, roasted, raw, or steamed: all bring benevolent bliss.
The Ranger