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Litttle Malice Litttle Malice is offline
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Posts: 126
Default Channelling Barb

One time on Usenet, Melba's Jammin' > said:
> In article >,
> unge (Litttle Malice) wrote:

> > We went to a family gathering over the weekend, a nice pot luck
> > spread with lots of yummies like devilled eggs, potato salad, meat
> > and cheese, and croissants. Our hostess also served dish of pickled
> > beets. After lunch, as we were putting the leftovers away, she asked
> > me if I liked them. "No", I replied, "I don't eat dirt chunks". She
> > seemed puzzled, I don't think she got the connection. I noticed that
> > no one else ate them either...

> Stirring up trouble, I see. Tsk, tsk. LOL!

As my father always says, "You're evil, Jani!". ;-D

I'm glad *you* got that it was all said in fun, Barb. My family is all
about laughter and when I explained about you and the story behind my
comment, our hostess cracked up. I'd never say something like that to
someone who'd be hurt by it -- I just know my family, and they're not
that sensitive...

"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~