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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default The definitive NYC pizza

Andy wrote:
> notbob said...
> > On 2006-09-19, kilikini > wrote:
> >
> >> BJ's Pizzaria. It's a chain of Chicago-style pizzas. That's most
> >> likely the problem, that it's a chain.

> >
> > No, it's the toppings. You start piling on greasy meat, specially
> > pepperoni, and you going to have grease. It's that simple. Now, I'll
> > be ther first to admit I like a good sausage and pepperoni pizza, now
> > and them. But, I've discovered no meat pizza can be truly excellent.
> > One of my all time fave combinations is crushed tomatoes, just a light
> > sprinkle of mozzarella cheese, and fresh a crushed garlic and feta
> > cheese topping, maybe some onions. Yum.
> >
> > nb

> I'm going to try another homemade pizza, only pre-cook some crumbled hot
> italian sausauge and pepperoni to crisp up first rather than have it cook
> and grease up the pizza in the oven. Maybe pre-saute some finely minced
> onion, black olives and finely minced green bell peppers too.
> Might make a crispier pizza at lower temps in a home oven??
> Andy

Multi bake technology

You prep the crust, brush with olive oil and then pop in the min 500
degree oven on the well preheated pizza stone to pre cook. Take it out
when it starts to get lightly golden brown, add toppings and put back on
the pizza stone until the cheese has melted and has a few browned spots.

The olive oil and pre baking crisp and seal the crust so the sauce and /
or toppings can't make it soggy. I always pre prep my topping
ingredients so I don't have to worry about how much time they get in the

Pete C.