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Default Steak and kidney pie questions

"Jenett" > wrote in message
> ......
> Is it possible (and still edible) to serve it cooled/kept on a warmer?
> I'll have access to a water-bath warmer or a couple of other options,
> but it will need to sit for at least a couple of hours between when I
> finish baking it and when it will be eaten, so if there's no
> alternative to serving it fresh out of the oven, I need to pick a
> different recipe.
> .....

Back to your actual question: It would seem that if you make the
pie in a deep container (a souffle dish, with about 4" high sides)
that is made of heavy ceramic you will have optimal heat retention.
Then if you wrap the container bottom in a few layers of aluminum
foil for insulated warmth and put the whole thing into one of the
insulated carrying bags that are at most supermarkets you should
have a pretty good chance of its remaining safe for a while at least.

Why don't you make a test one, try various tricks and see how it
works? Remember that you want to hold the food to a temperature
above 140 degrees F until it is served; should be fairly easy to insert
an instant read thermo in your pie and tell just how long it stays safe.
