Thread: mascarpone
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Jude Jude is offline
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Default mascarpone

Nexis wrote:
> "Jude" > wrote in message
> >I have half a tub of mascarpone left over from dinner last night.
> > (Delicious: lentils with spinach, mascarpone, and goat cheese. Served
> > it with barley pilaf and parmesan-coated baked psoudo-fried eggplant
> > slices.)
> >
> > What to do with the rest of the mascarpone? If I had ladyfingers I'd
> > make tiramisu, but none in the house. What would you do with it? I've
> > never bought it before.

> I also make a really good polenta dish with mascarpone. You cook the polenta with
> chicken stock, then when it thickens, pour it into a casserole dish and top with
> spoonfuls of mascarpone and pesto, side by side, and bake 20 minutes. It's sooooo
> yummy and comforting and good. And did I mention I really like this decadent dish??
> hth,
> kimberly

This was our winner! Here's my variation on it:

Made a thick polenta, with veggie stock as the liquid. Simmered 35
minutes, then stirred in some freshly grated romano cheese. Spread it
in a loaf pan to solidify.

Sliced it and laid the slices in a 9x13 baking dish.

Spread a layer of carmelized onions over it.
Sliced 4 leftover cloves of roasted garlic over the onions.
Dolloped mascarpone and pesto alternat3ely on the slices.
Sprinkled the last bit of mozzarella over it.

Baked it for 30 minutes until hot and bubbly.

Served it with white beans, and a salad of blanched green beans, sliced
cucmber and toasted hazelnuts marinated in a lemon vinaigrette.

Thanks for the's been ages since I've done polenta, and this
was so good and gooey and rich and hot........