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Neal Eckhardt Neal Eckhardt is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 20
Default Enshrine In-N-Out Burgers!

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 22:49:41 GMT, Bob Ward > wrote:

>On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:24:17 GMT,
>(Neal Eckhardt) wrote:
>>Never said OR implied that. Just recommended that if you can't take a
>>little ribbing, maybe you're in the wrong group. People make and
>>receive comments like mine every day of the week. In relation to this
>>group, mine was pretty mild. Most people are thick skinned enough that
>>they don't let it bother them.
>>But then again YMMV.

>I've been here since at least 1999, according to Google Groups - I'm
>pretty sure I was posting here awhile before that under a different
>email addresses. In all that time, I've never stomped out,
>threatening to never return. I think I can handle anything you or the
>group might throw at me, even if you don't approve of the way I choose
>to respond.
>If you didn't know that, you know what they say about you and the
>horse you rode in on.

Personally, I have never stomped out either. I don't let minor things
bother me. I can take a joke aimed at me without getting all huffy.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. You know what they say
about opinions, they are like assholes, everybody has one.
