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Default wait staff rudeness

On Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:40:46 GMT, "Peter Aitken"
> wrote:

>"K3" > wrote
>> No... Don't complain to management... speak to your waiter/waitress...
>> Ever heard the words "CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM" ???
>> With you being one who has experience in the hospitality field, *share*

>> experience with others that serve you like you serve others...

>There's no "tattling" involved. It's the job of management to supervise the
>wait staff, and it is perfectly proper to complain about a server to
>management. It is not the customer's job to train or supervise the wait
>staff. If complaints all went directly to the waiter, the management would
>have no way to know who was screwing up and ****ing off the customers on a
>regular basis.

Nicely put. Particularly the "...not customer's job..." All this talk
about what the server should do, and not much about what kind of
customers (other than our perfect selves) the average waitstaff
encounters. People on both sides of the order pad can be, um, a bit
peculiar. Mostly, the good situations outweigh the bad (or there'd be
no customers OR servers). And some bad experiences make up value in
anecdotal material. Like the waiter in a fairly upscale (or at least
expensive) restaurant who looked like a relative of the Addams Family
and removed my unfinished plate while my fork was at my lips. This has
provided endless amusement on the part of my dining companion who
found my expression unique. C'est la ball bounce.