Why Macaroni Cheese?
Daisy wrote:
> I watched a US-based program called Behind the Bash the other night
> and the TV hostess (Gina something) was touring the kitchen at this
> celebrity function and one of the items to be served was Macaroni
> Cheese.
> This dish was also among those at a very smart dinner party I went to
> at a physician's home recently in San Francisco, and seemed to be
> enjoyed by many of the local guests.
> I have only ever known macaroni cheese as a nursery food, or a dish
> served to small children. It is frequently served for lunch at one
> of my grandchildren's daycare centres, and I have made it often for
> the smaller grandchildren when they visit.
> Is this commonly eaten by adults in the USA? I don't think I ever
> saw it on a dinner menu at restaurants there.
I don't get enough of it here. I like macaroni and cheese but my wife
doesn't like to eat a lot of food high in carbs so we hardly ever have
it. Never the less, I am surprised that it would be served at a party.
It is more of a comfort food.