The definitive NYC pizza
Blair P. Houghton wrote:
>>>>What's passed off as streudel these days is a friggin' joke. There should
>>>>a law which designates the ONLY version that can be labeled as such, and
>>>>violators should be tossed into a tank of hungry sharks.
>>>Sounds like the EU.
>>You've obviously never seen the "streudel" that's nothing more than a gummy
>>1/2" thick dough wrapper, covered with gigantic chunks of sugar.
> I've seen the EU's rules for culinary appelations. And
> the Codex Alimentarius.
> I'd bet one of those defines streudel such that you can't
> even make it right in America.
> --Blair
There is nothing preventing a US bakery from making real, quality
streudel. The little German bakery in my town does it all of the time.
What happened is that little by little industrial food producers have
dumbed down expectations so much that as long as something has large
amounts of sugar or salt or both it tastes just fine to a lot of people.
So industrial food manufacturers can pass off almost anything such as
the mediocre gummy sugar coated dough previously described.