Shopping cart thief
I had to laugh, as I was shopping just now, I came upon
a woman muttering about her cart. I hear 'this isn't my stuff,
this isn't my cart! I just put my cart right here! and someone
took it! Oh man, glad it wasn't me. We were just talking about
On the way out, I was paid back for laughing. I put my cart
by the rest by the store, it kept rolling no matter how I angled it.
Finally, it's not going anywhere. As I'm walking to my car with
8 bags in 2 hands, I hear it coming for me. Fast.
I turned around and wham! got my hand between the racing cart
and the front of a gold Mercedes. Bad words. I hurt my pinky.
What, did they oil the friggin cart wheels this week? I was so mad.
But, hey, the car didn't get scratched.