Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Oh pshaw, on Mon 18 Sep 2006 11:03:32a, OmManiPadmeOmelet meant to say...
For some reason, this one did not show up on my browser...
I found it on Google groups when was trying to find my pic URL for an
e-mail list. <G>
I personally find Sesame seeds to be VERY versatile! I use them in a
lot of veggie dishes, salads, and even on top of grilled meats in the
Hamilton contact grill.
> > Anyhoo, thanks for the leek idea. Results in the jpeg below.
> >
> > Grilled marinated New York Strip steak, stuffed italian mushrooms (made
> > with Italian sausage, fresh ground pork, sesame seeds, fresh basil, a
> > little extra garlic, minced celery and minced mushroom stems then
> > grilled) and the veggies are celery, leek and carrot, steamed then
> > treated lightly with melted butter, a little lemon pepper and sesame
> > seeds:
> >
> > http://tinypic.com/4gzhmyf.jpg
> Your platter of food looks delicious! Haven't had stuffed mushrooms in
> ages, and I love them. I often put toasted sesame seeds in green beans.
Been there. :-)
Even canned cut or french cut green beans with sliced mushrooms and
Sesame seeds can make a very special side dish!
> > I stocked up on about $50.00 worth of that steak when it was $4.99 per
> > lb. over Labor day! :-)
> I did that when Fry's had a sale on ribeyes (both bone-in and boneless). I
> put ten in the freezer. I grilled one on Saturday and it was actually
> better than the ones I usually get at the butcher.
> --
> Wayne Boatwright @¿@¬
> _____________________