Horseradish Meat balls
-bwg > wrote in message
> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:> > What would happen if I did use the sauce from
> the jar?
> >
> > Most of the sauce's physical volume might be mayonnaise, not
> > Mayo will turn to something weird in this recipe. But, go ahead and try
> > if you have the time to experiment.
> Thanks for the change in perspective, Joe. I was thinking she meant to
> grate the horseradish myself instead of using jarred horseradish.
> Mayo-based horseradish sauce never entered my mind. (I never heard of
> such a thing until I was around 20 and someone took me to Arby's.)
> -bwg
I use either jarred grated horseradish or 'homemade' grated horseradish
purchased at the Polish festival. The horseradish sauce I do not use is the
stuff premade for sandwiches, which like you stated, is mayo based. I
missread the original question and thought you were questioning subbing the
soup for a a gravy sauce, which in my opinion, wouldn't hurt it. However,
mixing a mayo based sauce in the meat balls might make them too greasy and
unable to hold their shape when cooking.