> On Thu, 20 May 2004 12:57:42 -0700, JimLane >
> wrote:
>>Yep, but being as you have bought off on this webpage, did you take a
>>critical look at it? I'm betting not. Here is some of the mentalmidgetry
>>that went right past you:
>>4. Every cardiologist - Note: not a number given or any proof it was
>>more than one talked to.
>>5. Where is proof of this warning sent out to physicians? Say so don;t
>>make it so.
>>10. One hundred of how many? In Chicago or across the US? Was the survey
>>conducted randomly? What were the metrics used to select for selection?
>>Lotsa unanswered questions that COULD mean the respondents belonged to
>>one camp. Page cannot be found by clicking on your link.
>>11. Where is the proof of this claim? Not in evidence. I don't think of
>>milk, cheese, etc., in terms of carbs, haven't looked, but that is where
>>I get my calcium.
>>12. Innuendo means you are trying to load the deck and are not
>>interested in being either fair nor ethical. If you have to resort to
>>this, you are losing your argument.
>>13. So what? I know a lot of people on the Atkins diet and not one is
>>buying their product. This is pure and simple economic jealousy on the
>>part of people who are not capable of making it in the marketplace.
>>Equivalent to Gates bashers.
>>Half the argument presented is wasted bandwidth. Now, about knowing what
>>you are shooting off your mouth about - all you did was plagerize
>>someone else's webpage. BTW, who is Sue Widemark? Did you ever examine
>>who it was that was putting this information up on the web? I'll lay you
>>odds you have not. She's some Granny who has put up a personal webpage
>>supporting her philosophy, but presents no credentials of her own.
>>Her research is sloppy at best. well intended, perhaps, but a bit sloppy.
> I think if you follow the links on that page, all your questions would
> be answered. Of course, you first must deprogram yourself from the
> Atkins Corp. and all their lies. After all, they got your brain,
> health, and wallet all in their grubby hands. If you still insist on
> following the atkins diet, that's your choice, and but if it kills
> you, just tell your offspring to not use taxpayers money to fight it
> in the courts. Just for the record, I am not saying anything against
> cutting a few carbs. Most americans could use that, but note the word
> FEW. It's the atkins diet that kills.
> I can guarantee that in the next year, all of this will hit the news,
> and everyone will know of these dangers. Of course, by then, Atkins
> Corp will be richer than Bill gates, and will laugh all the way to the
> bank.
1. I am not on the Atkins Diet, bad assumption with all associated
comments, on your part.
2. I did follow the links and that is where my questions came from and
had you looked things over before shooting off your mouth, you would
have known that. Did you even realize that all of this was on a
grandmother's webpage and that, checking the links, the research is
speculative at best.
Try doing your own homework and not just regurgitate something you find
on the web. You do have a working brain, don't you?
Again, you close with the jealousy bit. Pathetic.