Shopping cart thief
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Posts: 882
Shopping cart thief
> My pet peeve is when I see someone take something they don't want out
> of their cart and just stick it anywhere instead of returning it to
> where they got it. I've never said anything directly to someone about
> it but I have at times said, "Well gee, this (insert name of item lazy
> person left) doesn't go here." making sure that the guilty person can
> hear my comment.
If it is a perishable item, it has the same affect as stealing it from
the store. It cannot be resold if it has been left sitting out, so it
goes into the trash and is a loss, just like shoplifting.
I work in a store, and when I see somebody do this, I do go up to them
ask them to give to an employee next time so that we have a chance to
save it instead of throw it away.
People don't seem to realize that a banana in the freezer or milk
sitting on the bakery table is garbage. You might as well steal it. At
least it won't be wasted.
We probobaly spend at least 2 hours a day just putting away items that
have been misplaced all over the store. That's $14 a day which adds up
to over $5000 per yer per store. And that doesn't include the value of
the tossed items. In the deli, we get about $20-$30 per day that comes
back and has to be thrown out. That's another $5000 to $10000 per year.
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