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werty werty is offline
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Default Slime in my tuna fish.

Its about how your brain senses flavor .
Humans who like oil , have a "lack" .
Their body finds it easy to just digest oils and
use these instead of making ALL body oils from
simple carbohydrates . No healthy human needs
dietary oil supplements .

Carbohydrates are converted to esters ( oils) in the liver .
This is the base for all your bodies "oils" .
Healthy people dont like taste of oils . But oils hold in some
make the flavor last longer on the tongue .
bread tastes good , but cook flour in oil , add water , salt
tomato paste and the oil taste is gone .
same with apple pie crust , loads of fat , but no fat taste .
All protein is difficult to digest and turn into sugar .
If you eat enuf carbohydrate to raise your blood sugar ,
you can eat meat .
But fish is even harder to digest , produces less sugar .

Asians like fish . They cant do carbs nor lactose
as westerners can . They cant make the glucose from carbs !
They cant get fat as healthy white can on carbs .
And they cant taste food ! Mexicans cook better than
Thais , i lived in Thailand for last 5 years ....

If a body can make glucose from many foods , they
arent as interested in "variety" for they arent desperately
searching for energy ( glucose ) .
They know they can get glucuse from any simple , cheap carb .
So mind says simple stuff tastes good ,
like butterd slice of sour dough , instead of a hamburger .
There is more energy from bread than hamburger because
of the high cost of digesting the meat compared to the glucose
produced .

They dont like to experiment in Thailand , they just gave up
and instead make food that looks like it would taste good .
They refused to learn to cook with cor n . I tried .
Mexicans add a pinch of CaOH- to convert the niacin and
reduce acidity of tortillas .
I love Mexican ( enchiladas , tamales ) .
Enchiladas are NEVER hot .

So the mystic is gone , westerners cook far better than
any Asian .

Sheldon wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > I re-stocked some cans of Bumble Bee solid white albacore tuna a few days
> > ago.
> >
> > I opened a can to make lunch and as I squeezed out all the water, my hands
> > got slimed!!! WTF???
> >
> > I looked at the label and it's packed in oil!?! I have NEVER seen Bumble
> > Bee albacore in oil. When did that start?

> What're you, like 12 years old? There was oil pack long before the
> friggin' diet freaks with their ignorant demand for water pack.... then
> they put all that oil back plus more by adding lotsa mayo so they don't
> have to eat fishy sawdust.
> Consider yourself lucky... it's no longer so easy to find tuna in
> oil... and tuna in oil is much better than the flavorless salty water
> packed.