"Mark Anderson" > wrote in message
> In article says...
> > > PHOTO OF THE WEEK: http://schmidling.com/pow.htm
> > > Astronomy, Beer, Cheese, Fiber,Gems, Sausage,Silver
> > > http://schmidling.com
> > >
> > I've been tempted to grow golden hops as an ornamental several times,
> > have yet to buy a vine or two.
> This is very interesting. Does anyone know if hops will grow in a
> container as a perennial in Zone 5? I'd love to introduce this into my
> vines but it would have to compete with morning glories, moon flowers,
> and hyacinth beans.
Dunno where Zone 5 is but from what I read hops grow anywhere in the
continental U.S.A. As far as using a container, I've seen a picture of a guy
growing them on his condo porch in decent size pots. I duno how big they
ended up getting or if they produced any cones, but they looked pretty
decent size.