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Default Supermarket clerks

(Dan Abel) wrote in message >...
> In article > ,
(jimmyz) wrote:
> > This is a food and cooking message board.

> Actually, this group has nothing to do with food or cooking, we just
> called it to confuse folks like yourself.
> > Why would you talk about gasoline here? Do you drink it, eat it, cook with it?

> Back in the old days, white gas was a very common fuel for camp stoves.

No you're not, you're whining. And your post had nothing to do with
> or cooking.

What was I whining about?
Strange accusation. No explanation.

Actually, this group has nothing to do with food or cooking, we just
> called it to confuse folks like yourself.

The name of this newsgroup is
A normal person would assume that food and cooking are the subjects.
It's disturbing that you would claim that this newsgroup "has nothing
to do with food or cooking"

You simply ignored what I said about your postings. Can't you find a
newsgroup concerning "oil prices", "gasoline", "politics", etc?

Contradicting doesn't change anything, it just makes you an ignoramus.